Transplant Coordination

Transplant Coordination

Board of Transplant Coordination

The Board of Transplant Coordination (referred heretofore as the BTC) has been created within the Division of Transplantation of the UEMS.

The main objective of the BTC is to guarantee the best standard of care in organ and tissue donation and transplant coordination in Europe by establishing homologous standards of practice and ensuring that training in donation and transplant coordination is maintained at the highest level by accrediting and examining transplant coordinators on their knowledge and practice.

The Board of Transplant Coordination is a non-profit entity and operates in close collaboration with the European Donation and Transplant Coordination Organisation (EDTCO), a section of ESOT (the European Society for Organ Transplantation).

The BTC achieves its objectives by setting and recommending standards to the UEMS and the European Board of Surgery and by encouraging health authorities, and national and international transplantation societies to live up to such standards concerning all aspects of professional practice in donation and transplant coordination.

The Board of Transplant Coordination is comprised of up to two practising transplant coordinators from each member state of the UEMS, or European country, preferably nominated by the competent professional health care organisation, in official communication with the UEMS/EBS.
Only one member has right to vote, the other may substitute when needed.

The BTC also has a representative from EDTCO who will be the Past Chair of EDTCO, or, if he/she is not available, a representative appointed by the EDTCO Board.

The Board of Transplant Coordination is directed by an Executive Committee comprised of a Chairman (President), a Vice Chairman (Vice President), two Secretaries (Senior and Junior), a Treasurer, a representative of EDTCO and a representative from the Division of Transplantation.
The Executive Committee communicates with the General Secretary of the UEMS through the Division of Transplantation, Section of Surgery.

The Executive Bureau of the UEMS shall communicate with the BTC through the Division of Transplantation, Section of Surgery on behalf of the European Union (EU) bodies.
The Division of Transplantation, Section of Surgery and the Executive of the UEMS shall be entrusted with communicating all opinions issuing from the BTC to the Commission of the EU and the Advisory Committee for Medical Training.

The Board of Transplant Coordination is financed by the fees of applicants for their assessment of eligibility and examination for accreditation in transplant coordination.
The BTC is also financed by any legal financial benefits for its contribution to various professional/scientific activities (i.e. meetings, publications).
The BTC can accept legal public (i.e. EU bodies, national government bodies, professional/scientific organisations) or private (i.e. gifts, contribution by the commercial sector) contributions/donations. A financial contribution/donation to the Board of Transplant Coordination can only be accepted under the strict rule that is offered in order to help the BTC to achieve its objectives and without any obligation of the BTC towards the body(ies)/ organisation(s)/ person(s) offering the contribution/ donation.

The Board of Transplant Coordination uses the Section of Surgery account for their finances to maximise transparency and facilitate administration.

Executive Committee


Nikola Žgrablić, MD, specialist of anesthesiology and intensive medicine
Position: Hospital transplant coordinator, President of the Donor Network of Croatia
General Hospital Pula
Negrijeva 6, 52 100 Pula, Croatia

Vice Chairman

Danica Avsec, MD, specialist of anesthesiology and intensive medicine
Position: Director of Slovenija-transplant
Slovenija-transplant, Institute for Transplantation of Organs and Tissues of the Republic of Slovenia
Zaloška 7
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

Senior Secretary

Franziska Beyeler
Position: Head of National Transplant Coordination
Effingerstrasse 1
Postfach | 3011 Bern, Switzerland

Junior Secretary

Dr. Sándor Mihály RN, MSN, CETC
Position: Director
Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service,Organ Coordination Office
H-1113 Budapest,
Karolina út 19-21.
H-1513 Budapest, Pf. 44, Hungary


Barbara Uštar, BA
Position: Professional associate
Slovenija-transplant Institute for Transplantation of Organs and Tissues
Zaloška 7
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija