The Abdominal Wall Surgery (AWS) syllabus comprehensively describes “knowledge” and “knowledge and skills” (= basis for an individual “Log-book”) mandatory for the qualification as F.E.B.S./AWS.
The syllabus is at this time not a complete curriculum that gives a structured educational plan but provides a crude orientation and a framework around which preparation for the qualification as F.E.B.S./AWS can be structured.
The syllabus should not be viewed as static but will be continuously revised and updated by the members of the committee.
It is noted, that research and changes in medicine may lead to significant changes in theory and clinical practice and by that will influence the content of the syllabus. New topics will be introduced and obsolete topics may be deleted.
The candidates are expected to update their level according to the recent surgical practice and scientific literature.
To achieve the qualification as F.E.B.S./AWS “knowledge” have to be documented and provided for eligibility and are assessed by examination.
“Knowledge and skills” have to be documented and proved in the log-book for eligibility and may be additionally assessed by examination.
For practical reasons the individual log-books are scrutinized in the eligibility process taking into consideration the various national requirements and local situations.
The abdominal wall surgeon is an expert in performing various surgical interventions in the abdominal wall through open and laparoendoscopic access.
Due to the wide range of indications and procedures encompassed in this field, it is essential for the AWS specialist to undergo continuing medical education and technological training. Besides preoperative work-up and selection of patients the successful AWS is strongly dependent on safely and optimally placed open or laparoendoscopic access to the operative field.
In the major field of hernia surgery it is important to have knowledge in basic anatomy and physiology of the abdominal wall, basic concepts related to the process of healing when a mesh in implanted, preoperative management of the patients and indication for surgery and on mesh types (biologic, biosynthetic, synthetic), as well as fixation devices (biologic and synthetic glues, absorbable and non-absorbable tackers).
The abdominal wall surgeon and the team have to be trained in managing intraoperative bleeding situations and in rapid conversions to open surgery. Basic training facilities (black box, pelvi-trainer) have to be accessible in specialized AWS units/departments.
Videodocumentation of AWS procedures is an essential prerequisite for training, certification and quality control in surgical units performing AWS operations.
Eligibility for “AWS centres” is usually defined by national surgical societies referring to number of procedures per year, number of specialised surgeons, adequate documentation, education and quality control.
For all the details on the expected knowledge, please download the following document: