The HPB Surgery division of the UEMS was founded in 2008. Every year, it organizes EBSQ examinations, in collaboration with the European–African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association.
Chairman of the Division HPB Surgery
Vice-Chair of the Division HPB Surgery and President of the UEMS HPB Board Exam
Secretary of the Division HPB Surgery
Treasurer of the Division HPB/Junior member
I.Introduction :
Article 1.0
The statutes define the rules of the Division of HPB Surgery and the Board of HPB Surgery which are created within the Federation of Surgery of UEMS.
The Division of HPB Surgery is constituted in accordance with the statutes, declarations and rules of procedure of the UEMS. The division operates in close collaboration with EHPBA (European Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association).
The EBHPBS (European Board of HPB Surgery) shall draft and recommend to the Division of HPB Surgery standards of training and professional practice, accreditation and certification in HPB Surgery. The Division of HPB Surgery will encourage national and international health authorities and scientific societies of HPB Surgery to live up to such standards.
The division is a non-profit organisation.
II.Objectives :
Article 2.0
The main objective of the Division of HPB Surgery is to guarantee the patients the highest standards of care in the field of HPB Surgery in the countries of UEMS and in its associated countries by ensuring the quality of training and its maintenance at an adequate level with regard to new scientific development.
The Division of HPB Surgery shall report to the Federation of Surgery the current contents and quality of training and education in HPB Surgery in the EU.
The Division of HPB Surgery shall assess and approve the contents of training and education of HPB surgeons, the standards of training programs and the mechanisms for the maintenance of these standards proposed by the EBHPBS.
In the same way requirements to which the training institutions and teachers in HPB Surgery should conform will be proposed by the EBHPBS and approved by the Division of HPB Surgery.
After appropriate assessment of eligible candidates, the EBHPBS shall recommend to EBS the conferment of certificates of the European Board of Surgery Qualification in HPB Surgery (EBSQ-HPBS).
The EBHPBS shall develop criteria for evaluation of Continuous Medical Education and Continuous Professional Development
The Division of HPB Surgery shall be concerned with all aspects of professional practice in HPB Surgery in the context of the EU.
The EBHPBS shall facilitate the exchange of trainees in HPB Surgery between training centers of the various countries of the EU.
III. Accountability
Article 3.0.
The executive of the UEMS shall officially communicate with the Division of HPB Surgery and the EBHPBS through the Federation of Surgery and the Board of Surgery.
The Federation of Surgery and the Executive of the UEMS shall be entrusted with communicating all opinions issuing from the Division and the Board of HPB Surgery to the authorities of the EU.
IV.Composition and members
Article 4.0.
The Division of HPB Surgery shall consist of one or two representatives from each member state or associate UEMS member state.
The members of the Division of HPB Surgery are delegated by the national member organisations of the UEMS following the recommendation of the national professional and scientific organisations of HPB Surgery of the UEMS full member countries.
HPB Surgeons in training may be invited to delegate a non-voting observer to attend meetings of the Division and the Board of HPB Surgery.
The Division has a representative of EHPBA, appointed by the council of EHPBA. The representative of EHPBA shall be member of the Executive Committee of the Division, present the views of EHPBA to the Executive Committee and the members of the Division and communicate the developments in the Division to the EHPBA Council.
The Division will appoint one of its members to liaise with the UEMS Division of transplantation Surgery.
The permanent working group of Junior Hospital Doctors has the right to nominate a delegate.
The European Board Of HPB Surgery consists of one or two representatives from the UEMS member countries or from the associate member countries. One of the members shall be a member of the Division of HPB Surgery, the other one may be delegated from the scientific or academic circles.
The Chairman and the Secretary attend the meetings of the Federation and the Board of Surgery as ex-officio members. In case both are impeded the Chairman can authorise another member of the Executive Committee to represent the Division.
The tenure of the national representatives will be 4 years with reelegibility. The Secretary will ask the national societies for a nomination 1 year before expiry of the present appointment.
V.Executive committee
Article 5.0
The Division shall appoint an Executive Committee amongst the Division of HPB Surgery and the Board, composed of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a the EHPBA representative and a junior member. The European Board of Surgery shall appoint a president. The secretariat and the treasury will be managed by the divisional Secretary and Treasurer.
The tenure for members of the Executive Committee is 4 years without possibility of one reelection. The tenure of the first Vice-Chairman and the first Secretary is 6 years.
Article 6.0.
The funds of the Division and Board shall be acquired by /
-contributions by national associations and societies
-subsidies and donations
-gifts, institutes of heir and legacies
-other legal benefits
-fees for the European Board of Surgery Qualification Assesments (EBSQ)
VII.Meetings of the Division and the Board of HPB Surgery
Article 7.0.
A session is held at least once a year. Additional meetings may be convened by the Executive Committee or at the initiative of 1/3 of the members.
The agenda will be drawn up by the Executive committee or following the request of 1/3 of the members of the Division. The board items shall be included in the agenda. Other bodies, including the Federation of Surgery, the UEMS Management Council or its Secretary General may request an item to be included.
The agenda shall be communicated to the members of the Division and the Board of HPB Surgery at least one month before the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting, as well as all resolutions will be released after approval by the Division and Board of HPB Surgery and by the Federation of Surgery of the UEMS.
The Executive Committee meets at least once a year. Meetings are convened by the Chairman and the Secretary. The agenda and the relevant informations are sent to the members one month in advance.
Article 8.0.
Each member country represented in the Division and the Board of HPB Surgery has one vote. In case of disagreement between the representatives of one country an abstention is couted. The delegate of the Permanent Working Group of Junior Hospital Doctors (PWG) has one vote.
The voting procedures are described in the articles 14, 15, 16 of the UEMS Rules of Procedure.