EBSQ Examinations
Brest Surgery Curriculum

Trauma Surgery
EBSQ Examination

Next EBSQ Examination

Examination datePlaceApplication deadline
21st October 2024
BerlinSeptember 21st (00h, CET)

The applications for Berlin will open on June 21st

All candidates – including new candidates and those who postponed or failed previously – must apply through the QuizOne platform accessible through the buttons below
We do not accept any document as support to applications by any means other than uploaded on the dedicated web-platform. Documents received by any other means will not be considered as part of an application.

Please note that once the deadline date to apply is passed, no application will be acceptable by any means.

Before clicking the “Apply” button, please carefully read the EBSQ policies and Eligibility criteria and ensure that you are ready to submit all required documents.

Please also ensure that you pay the fees before the deadlines.

Places are limited. Do not wait until last minute to finalise your application as places will be offered on a first come, first serve basis from date of application completion.

Candidates are responsible for their own application and its follow-up. Checking up regularly emails, and junk emails, is highly recommended – the UEMS Section of Surgery will not be responsible for any missed information sent via email.

We kindly encourage applicants to submit their documents and payment as early as possible.

You wish to apply to the EBSQ Examination in Trauma Surgery for the first time or you were assessed as not eligible in a previous attempt to participate to the exam. You are a new candidate.
Please click below:

You didn’t succeed once in a previous session of EBSQ Examination in Trauma Surgery and you want to give it another try?
Please click below:

You were assessed eligible in a previous session of EBSQ Examination in Trauma Surgery, you were not able to attend the Examination and you want to attend the next session?
Please click below:

Fellowship of the European Board of Surgery

To apply for certification as Fellow of the European Board of Surgery (FEBS) in the specialty of Trauma Surgery offered by the European Board of Surgery and the Division of Trauma Surgery, a candidate has to undergo a two-step quality validation process: Eligibility (Part I) and Examination (Part II).

A candidate successfully passing the Eligibility and Examination will be qualified as: Fellow of the European Board of Surgery (FEBS) in Trauma Surgery.

The Fellowship of the UEMS is a significant high-level indication of professional competence and excellence. It basically reflects the ongoing important European standardisation, harmonisation and quality assurance process in medicine.

At present, the fellowship of itself has no automatic legal recognition in the European Union or any other country. Individual recognition of qualifications by the national authorities is supported by the EBSQ committee and the number of countries officially adopting the Board exam is continuously rising. The future perspective of this European diploma is to be seen in unanimous legalization within the ongoing project of the European harmonization process of medical education.

The title does not in itself imply an automatic right to independent practice, nor does it automatically enhance participation in national social security systems of the European Union.

The candidate for the EBSQ title in Trauma Surgery should be a future opinion leader in Trauma surgery.

Examination organisation & rules

Eligibility requirements

The EBSQ Examination in Trauma surgery is open to candidates trained in one of the 27 European Union countries, a UEMS country, an associated UEMS country or a country with UEMS observer status.

The exam is also open to candidates trained outside the UEMS area provided that the Eligibility committee considers that the training and qualifications are equivalent.

Application documents

Application to the EBSQ Examination in Trauma Surgery is composed of the following documents.

Application documents checklist

  • EBSQ Trauma Surgery Application Form
  • Curriculum vitae (which should include the training curriculum as per the document that you can download below)
  • Completed logbook
  • Credit points evidences (supporting documents showing each participation and publication which would confer at least 12 credit points in total to the candidate, as per the requirements indicated in the EBSQ Trauma Surgery Eligibility criteria document)
  • Commitment to abide by the rules duly signed by you
  • National certificate of specialized training (provide a valid Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) or equivalent certificate issued by the relevant body governing the legal CCST)
  • Published scientific paper for which the candidate is author or co-author
  • Recommendation letter of 2 recognized trauma surgeons, who are not the trainers of the candidate
  • Certificate of completion of the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS®) course or approved alternative (for the alternative, please read the Logbook requirements document)
  • Certificate of completion of the Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (DSTC®) course or approved alternative (for the alternative, please read the Logbook requirements document)
  • A scan of your ID card or passport with your photo and your name in Latin letters

Please download the following documents:

Examination fees

The total fee for applying for the EBSQ Examination in Trauma Surgery is €1,200:

  • €300 for the Eligibility Assessment
  • €900 for the Examination

Payments must be made via Paypal directly on  the QuizOne platform dedicated to registrations before the deadlines dates.

The eligibility fee is to be paid when the applicant registers for the exam.

The examination fee should be paid once the eligibility of the applicant has been confirmed, within two weeks following confirmation of selection, to finalise the registration for the examination.

All fees paid are non-refundable. The exam fee may be transferred to another exam sitting if more than 30 days’ notice is given.

For those who have been assessed eligible, you may postpone for up to 24 months without having to pass and pay the eligibility assessment again. After 24 months you must go through the eligibility assessment again.

Cancellation policy

Cancellation/Postponement up to 30 days before the exam:

  • Exam fees (if paid) postponed to next sitting + an admin charge of 90 euro will be charged when candidate re-apply for the exam.

Cancellation/Postponement less than 30 days before the exam:

  • Exam fees are not transferred to the next exam and not refundable.  When re-applying for the exam, the candidate must pay the exam fee again + 90 euros administration fee.

Reasonable cancellations within 30 days of the exam will be considered on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Board of Examination. Supporting documentation is required.

For those who have been assessed eligible, you may postpone for up to 24 months without having to pass and pay the eligibility assessment again. After 24 months you must go through the eligibility assessment again and pay its fee. 

All fees paid are non-refundable.

Re-issue of certificates

Fellows are responsible for their Certificates. New Certificates will not be re-issued in case of loss.

If there is an error on your certificate you must contact the office within 3 months of receiving the certificate to have the certificate reissued.

Examination format

The EBSQ Examination on Trauma Surgery organised by the UEMS Division of Trauma Surgery consists of 3 parts:

  • written exam in the form of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ) (30 minutes)
  • oral “viva voce” examination. Candidates will be asked to analyse history and actual problems of real patients. Candidates will also be given laboratory investigations, x-rays and scans to interpret. There will be a structured debate between examiners and candidate on how to solve the problems of the patients (30 minutes)
  • analysis and interpretation of a recent publication (without abstract) in an international, peer-reviewed journal (30 minutes).

Recommended readings

The reference books for the examination are 3 volumes of the series “European Manual of Medicine” of Springer. They have the titles:

Trauma Surgery I             ISBN 978-3-540-88121-6  e-ISBN 978-3-540-88122-3

Trauma Surgery II             ISBN 978-3-540-88123-0 e-ISBN 978-3-540-88124-7

Trauma Surgery III.           ISBN 978-3-642-38387-8  e-ISBN 978-3-642-38388-5

The editors are Hans-Jörg Oestern, Otmar Trentz and Selman Uranues.
Further reading is recommended