
Breast Surgery Curriculum

Breast Surgery Curriculum’

The Breast Surgery Syllabus comprehensively describes the Knowledge and Skills mandatory for the Qualification as Fellow of European Board of Surgery (F.E.B.S.): Breast Surgery. The exam standard is set at the level of a newly qualified but fully trained breast specialist surgeon about to embark on independent practice in Europe. It is therefore likely that candidates will be nearing the end of their formal supervised training or have completed their training. Consequently, the level of knowledge and skills required to pass are high. Before the actual examination takes place, there is also an eligibility assessment to ensure that candidates have undergone appropriate length and quality of training across the required range of subjects in good quality training environments. Surgical experience is also assessed by review of a surgical log-book.

The syllabus gives a structured educational plan and framework for preparation for the qualification of F.E.B.S./Breast Surgery.
The syllabus is not static but will be continuously revised and updated by the executives of the Breast Surgery Division of the UEMS Section of Surgery. Research, as well as technological innovations, will lead to significant changes in knowledge and clinical practice and this will be reflected in future iterations of the syllabus.

Candidates are expected to use the most recent syllabus and remain update with current surgical practise, scientific literature and the latest evidence based best practice. Candidates should have taken part in some form of academic publishing, research or audit and have at least a working understanding of research methods such that they may quality assess newly published research.

For pragmatic reasons assessing eligibility for the exam as well as assessment of the individual logbooks takes into consideration the wide range of national requirements and local situations. The exam represents just one component of ensuring that professional standards are met and maintained.
Having completed their training, they must keep up to date with regular continuing professional development, audit their own practice and outcomes and act on the findings, keep abreast of the latest evidence based guidelines and research and work as part of a multidisciplinary team.

Detailed syllabus and eligibility criteria for the exam