The Fellowship of Abdominal Wall Surgery (F.E.B.S/AWS) provided by the European Board of Surgery is a relatively young qualification.
By that it is understandable, that senior surgeons with undoubtedly significant experience in advanced positions will individually refrain from undergoing the Eligibility process and the Board Examination.
Nevertheless, they would proudly take the benefit from the qualification itself.
However, it is the purpose of the Executive, to establish the Fellowship qualification as European standard. This lead to the decision to provide a “Honorary Fellowship” for experienced surgeons.
Senior AWS surgeons in advanced position may apply for an Honorary Fellowship of the European Board of Surgery (F.E.B.S./AWS).
You wish to become a Honorary Fellow of the European Board of Surgery in Abdominal Wall Surgery?
Please click below:
Colleagues are eligible to apply only if they have a minimum of 10 consecutive years of practice and/or experience in formally recognized National Health Service or University posts or 5 years under exceptional circumstances, including a PhD in the hernia field, involvement in international hernia guidelines or holding an executive position in a national hernia society or equivalent.
A complete application must include:
Please include all necessary documents. The form must be filled out and all necessary
documents added electronically, printed, signed and submitted as pdf-files.
The application fee is €2,500.
Applicants who have been members of the European Hernia Society for at least
the previous 5 consecutive years can opt to pay a reduced application fee of €2,000.
The application fee will be used to support candidates preparing and sitting the F.E.B.S.-AWS examination, as well as supporting the development of the Abdominal Wall Surgery as a Surgical Specialty.
Applications will then be reviewed by a subcommittee of the Division: three members, one from the Executive, one from the country of the applicant and a third form a country different from that of the applicant.
The recommendation will be presented to the executive, who will decide on approval or rejection.
Honorary fellows may apply to serve as examiners in future EBSQ Exams or they may be invite to serve as examiners at their discretion.