
Transplant Immunology:
Applications for the next ESHI exam NOW OPEN

The Board of Transplant Immunology has just opened applications for the upcoming ESHI examination.
Applications can be made until 30 September 2021.

The examination will take place on 17 November 2021 online.

The registration process is done completely through the new application platform including the documents to attach to assess candidate’s eligibility and the payment of fees.
The application platform will be accessible only until the deadline date. Thus, an application should be finalised (all fields completed, documents uploaded, and the eligibility fee paid) before 30 September 2021.

Please keep in mind that all exchanges related to eligibility of each candidate should be done through the platform. Thus, all additional documents requested by the eligibility board shall be uploaded on the platform only.

If you are interested in taking part in the examination, don’t wait and click here!

Check out here for the EBSQ exam requirements, eligibility assessment needs, fees, etc

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